ha I'm a better Animator than Kevin! :D
Just because we're old buddies I'll hand you a loving 10 and 5 boss man, but again and despite the graphical overhaul I'm still not convinced.
It was good but I have a few knits to pick, first the Narrator speaks slowly and with that and for an animation to make up for such a thing the cartoon should pick up the pace and throw in the skits thick and fast.... I mean everything just appeared to run rather slowly.
And.......... kinda shitting all over the whole subject here, but I fail to see the impact of Winnie Pooh in this day and age, twenty years ago maybe, but well...... I can draw little from this being from the care bear, turtle, power ranger generation. :D
Impressive non the less though, everything was very colourful and well presented Kevers! well done Ohhh and nice to see TxMs finally got a logo :P